Eve Rodsky Wants Feminist Partners to Play Fair

Whether we’re in relationships or not, “Fair Play” makes one wonder what would happen if we all made “intentional choices about how to spend our time and thoughtfully create our lives.” What would life be like if women had more “time and space to reclaim, or discover and nurture, the natural gifts and interests” that make us who we are?

The Moment of Lift We Need for Father’s Day

I hope this Father’s day that children across the country are celebrating dads who cook, do chores, help with homework and keep their households running—all while thriving at work. We can have healthy, happy communities and families. By demanding as much, we can change humanity.

The Power of Being Picked

When I was a little girl, I was never picked for sports. Ever. Many of the girls who grew up alongside me in the U.S. never knew the power of being part of a team—until Title IX became law on February 28, 1972.

The Virtual Search for IRL Empathy

As the days grow shorter and the wind is colder, nearly every culture has a holiday that celebrates light; over flames, many of us will tell other our stories this season. These tales can foster empathy—and, some experts hope, so can new technologies.

Are You Ready for the Feminine Revolution?

It’s true: I have always been enthusiastic and had more obvious feelings than others in a room. That’s why I loved reading “The Feminine Revolution” by Catherine Connors and Amy Stanton, which encouraged women like me to reframe old standards that have claimed that “traditional” feminine traits are weak or bad.