For centuries, girls and gender-expansive youth have been engaging in democracy through their communities, developing social contracts and mobilizing for civic engagement.
Despite their crucial role, they remain undervalued and underfunded. Grantmakers for Girls of Color (G4GC) is working to change this by mobilizing resources for youth-led organizations across the United States. Investing in these young leaders and their initiatives will foster a more equitable and just democracy.
“Just because we can’t vote yet doesn’t mean we don’t care!”
(This essay is part of a Women & Democracy multimedia package focused on Gen Z and student voters. The future envisioned by young leaders is bright—it’s built on reproductive rights, bodily autonomy, sustainability, freedom from violence and economic opportunity. Explore essays, a brand-new podcast, videos and more from some of your most loved [or soon to be!] influencers and writers, brought to you by Ms., DoSomething, the nonprofit that helps make volunteerism “cool,” and The Anthem Awards, the social impact arm of The Webbys.)