2021’s Best Feminist Pop Culture Moments

From the swearing in of our first woman vice president, Kamala Harris, to the severe restrictions on reproductive rights, 2021 has been a mixed bag for feminism. Of course, popular culture—ever a pulse from which to measure the present moment—served as a guide this year for feminist expression.

Here is a list of what got us thinking and talking about feminism in popular culture.

Reads for the Rest of Us: 2021 Best of the Rest

Each month, I provide Ms. readers with a list of new books being published by writers from historically excluded groups.

You’ve read the other “Best of” lists—now read the other one. You know, for the rest of us. Each year, I review my monthly Reads for the Rest of Us lists and choose my favorite books of the year. It was such a wonderful challenge to review all the lists and choose my top 50, but here they are. 

“You Better Be Lightning”: Andrea Gibson on Gratitude and Peace Through Poetry

Poet Andrea Gibson is not feeling gloomy right now—in fact, in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and a cancer diagnosis, they are feeling hope, gratitude, connectedness, peace and an immeasurable amount of love. Author of seven books and seven albums, Gibson is releasing their latest book of poetry, “You Better Be Lightning,” this month.

“It was more than a little bit haunting when I got diagnosed with cancer so soon after handing in my final edits. … But here I am, grateful for having made a book the best of me can get behind, and awed by the million ways this time is further widening my lens, further softening my heart.”

Fighting For the Term “Lesbian”: An Art and Poetry Publication Strives to Uplift Lesbian Writers

American photographer Jeanette Spicer is the co-editor and co-founder of WMN, a lesbian publication of art and poetry based in Queens, N.Y. WMN provides a platform for marginalized lesbian-identifying artists to have their work seen and heard.

“We really felt like there’s a lack of lesbian visibility in all aspects of the world—the art world, the sports world, and even in the LGBTQ+ spectrum,” Spicer told Ms.