Feminist Faves: 10 Women-Led Television Shows to Celebrate 2021

Feminist Faves: Ten Women-Led Television Shows to Celebrate 2021

Since we appear to be in one of the dark timelines, it shouldn’t be any wonder that a lot of that good comes to us in the form of fictional media.

These 10 shows that came out this year captured my attention because of their distinctive and dynamic women characters. Most of these shows were created by women and/or employ many women as writers and directors of individual episodes. All of them feature compelling women protagonists or co-leads. 

The Feminist Case for Ending the Death Penalty

abortion pill supreme court lisa montgomery death penalty women

Feminists have every reason to be suspicious of capital punishment. Death penalty laws in the U.S. were enacted by legislatures dominated by men; death sentences are sought by prosecutors who are predominately men; juries that condemn defendants to death have historically been mostly male; and judges who sentence defendants to death are overwhelmingly male.

The Women in the Room: A Ms. Conversation With Afghan Peace Negotiators Fawzia Koofi and Fatima Gailani

Fawzia Koofi and Fatima Gailani are two of four women at the Afghan peace talks, negotiating face-to-face with the Taliban. NPR special correspondent Renee Montagne spoke with Gailani and Koofi about what could be ahead for Afghan women.

“Peace is not a lack of war; peace is to live happily with Taliban and with every other group. We don’t want a peaceful prison. We want a peaceful country that everyone is free in.”

Sneak Peek into Ms. Summer 2021 Issue: Don’t Filibuster Democracy

Summer 2021

A glimpse at what you’ll find inside the upcoming Summer issue of Ms.:

In “Don’t Filibuster Democracy,” Jennifer Weiss-Wolf explains how advancements for women’s and civil rights hinge on eliminating an anti-democratic Senate rule: the filibuster; “The Women in the Room” provides a firsthand account of the Afghan peace talks from negotiators Fawzia Koofi and Fatima Gailani; Carrie Baker breaks down why abortion rights are in a “code red”; stories of period-positive activists; and more.