Aug. 12 is International Youth Day (IYD), and this year’s theme is intergenerational solidarity. Renewed intergenerational solidarity and concern for future generations is critical to tackling global issues not just for young people, but for aging populations and everyone in between.
Author: Rachel Clement
Walk the Walk, Talk the Talk: How to Strengthen U.S. Foreign Policy Commitments for Girls
The risks of being an adolescent girl are perhaps worse this year than any year since we began celebrating International Day of the Girl. The voices of girls are rarely centered, their solutions are rarely considered, and their needs are rarely addressed.
But an executive order from Biden could develop a whole-of-government strategy for children and youth. Empowering girls as leaders benefits us all and should be a priority.
#HearMeToo: Where Child Marriage and Violence at Work Intersect
It will take more than 16 days—but if governments, U.N. agencies and civil society activists work together toward ending child, early and forced marriage, a world where every girl can control her own future is possible.
Child Marriage Isn’t Just Happening “Over There”
Child marriage affects 650 million women and 150 million men worldwide—including the United States and Europe. That’s one girl every 23 seconds.
Facing the Complicated Truth About FGM
Complex issues necessitate complex solutions. Women and girls who are facing FGM/C deserve more than lip service from the U.S. government; they deserve our full support.
Women’s Economic Empowerment Hearing Raises Good Questions—But No Simple Answers
Economically empowered women advance not only their own financial futures, but those of their communities and nations.
The Future of U.S. Leadership in Ending Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies
It is vital that the U.S. continue to act to prevent violence against women and girls already suffering from conflict and violence.
The Uncertain Future of U.S. Global Leadership for Women and Girls
Trump’s budget is bad for development, multilateralism and—most especially—for women and girls.
Can the Caring Economy Shape Global Economic Summits?
For too long, the work that is often left to women, from cleaning the house to cooking for the family to hauling firewood and water, has gone unrecognized and uncompensated.