Honk for Saudi Women on International Human Rights Day!

Today is International Human Rights Day, and this year there is much to celebrate. 2011 has been an extraordinary year for human rights activism worldwide, as the UN points out: This year, millions of people decided the time had come to claim their rights. They took to the streets and demanded change. Many found their […]

For Saudi Women, Voting Win Masks Driving Crackdown

In a national TV address Sunday, Saudi King Abdullah declared an end to the de facto ban on women’s suffrage. Beginning in 2015, women will be able to vote and run in local elections. This seemingly good news, heralded by the AP as “a major advancement for the rights of women,” overshadowed disturbing developments that […]

Saudi Women Arrested for Driving

Five women were arrested in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday for continuing their protest–which formally began on June 17–against the nation’s ban on women driving. The mutaween (religious police of Saudi Arabia) detained them for a few hours before releasing at least four of the women to their male guardians. There is currently no information regarding […]

Saudi Women Drive!

Millions of eyes were trained on Saudi Arabia this Friday, June 17. Would Saudi women be able to fulfill their online pledge to drive cars, in defiance of the kingdom’s demobilizing ban? As participant Solafa Kurdi told Ms.: It’s my right. There’s nothing mentioned in my religion that I’m not supposed to be able to […]

Are You Supporting Saudi Women This Friday?

This Friday, June 17, women in Saudi Arabia will risk arrest by doing something many of us do every day: driving a car. The Ms. editors encourage you to sign this letter to key Saudi and U.S. decision makers, sponsored by the Feminist Majority Foundation, to help Saudi women win the right to go wherever […]

Can Social Networking Put Saudi Women Behind the Wheel?

Since 1979, women have not been allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia. Manal Al-Sharif–who learned to drive in the U.S.–is fed up with the rule. So she posted a video on YouTube explaining why protesting women will start driving in Saudi Arabia beginning on June 17, and who the organizers of the “I Will Drive […]