We Love the Female Orgasm! Do You?

Starting college is pretty exciting; everyone’s meeting new friends, getting the hang of their classes, and, if they’re lucky, learning about female orgasm. A few weeks ago, my college’s Sexual Health Educators brought the program “I Love the Female Orgasm” to our student body. After seeing the attention-grabbing posters around campus, my roommate and I […]

Go East, Young Woman

Ever since I made my decision to attend Wellesley College, I find myself having to defend it to most of my high school classmates. Many of them know nothing about the school, and when I tell them about it they ignore its academic reputation and amazing alumnae. To them, it is simply a women’s college. […]

Throwing Around the Word “Rape”

It looked so wrong in the little instant messaging box: “I’m gonna get raped tomorrow.” For a moment, I was terrified that my friend faced serious sexual violence. But no, she was just concerned about her performance on an upcoming Advanced Placement test. I hear this word all too often in the hallways of my […]

Click! Hmmm, Aha! and Oh no!

I had my first feminist stirring, or “Hmmm” moment, in grade school when I noticed teachers always asked boys to help them carry boxes, move the mobile TV or assist with other physical chores. I accepted this at first because, I guess, I bought into the idea that I was just a weaker-than-the-boys girl. But […]

How To Be a High School Feminist

On our way to high school recently, I asked my friend, “Do you consider yourself a feminist?” After a slight hesitation, she responded, “Well, I support women’s rights and all, but I’m no bra burner.” Besides the fact that the bra-burning story is apocryphal, I was surprised by her answer. Is that what feminism meant […]