Canadian Ads Shift Blame to the Real Perps: Rapists

It’s a basic legal principle in Canada and the U.S.: Women who are severely intoxicated are not capable of giving consent, and taking advantage of their mostly-or-completely-unconscious state is rape. And yet, both grim statistics and all-too-frequent rape-apologist statements show that many still do not understand that an unconscious woman was not “asking for it.” […]

Meet the Blogger: Ebony Utley

Welcome to the Ms. Blog’s new weekly segment, “Meet the Blogger”. This week the subject is Ebony Utley, our expert on hip hop, relationships and race. She is an assistant professor at California State University, Long Beach and has published her work in several journals, including Black Women Gender & Families, Critical Studies in Media Communication, […]

Which Pumps Won’t Health Insurance Cover?

Ran out of the adhesives to keep your dentures in place? No worries, the Internal Revenue Service will give you a tax break on new ones. Suffering from an attack of the killer zits? The I.R.S. agrees this is a health concern worth giving a tax break for. How about allergic to grass? If you […]

You Can Help Make Pregnancy Safer

Imagine earning less than $2 a day, then learning that you are not only HIV positive but pregnant. Imagine having lost seven children to starvation and learning that you are pregnant again. Imagine learning you are pregnant when you’ve seen many women in your village die from uncontrollable bleeding after giving birth. Sadly, for many […]

Concluding Thoughts on Love Your Body Week

Today marks the last day of “Love Your Body Week,” and the blogosphere has been actively posting useful tips on how to love one’s own body even if it does not live up to the marketed ideal. Of course many women find it hard to love their bodies when they’re “overweight,” even though the fashion-model […]

Vag Magazine: The Laugh’s on Feminist Journalists

The first episode of Vag Magazine, a six-part web series, has debuted online–and even though we’re in the line of comedic fire, we’re grinning, if not yet guffawing. The show was created by some funny women from the Upright Citizen’s Brigade, an improv and sketch-comedy group where famous peeps like Amy Poehler got their start. […]

Dear Veganism Isn’t an Eating Disorder

While reading an article on, I became distracted by a sidebar entitled, “Glee‘s mysteriously shrinking Rachel.” I enjoy reading criticisms of how awful Glee is as much as the next blogger, so I clicked.  First, in the subhed, the article tries to connect Glee actor Lea Michele’s shrinking body to the quality of the […]

Job Searching in an Unfriendly Market: Try Nonprofits

Everybody knows it: This job market royally stinks. Supposedly there are jobs out there, but if you have any recent graduate friends (who have already been looking for a year) who can’t find jobs, this assertion seems suspicious. Maybe and Jobfox aren’t working for you. Maybe you’re afraid of Craigslist. Perhaps you’ve heard the […]