United Against the War on Women

“What do we do when women’s rights are under attack? Stand up, fight back!” That was the call that rang through downtown Los Angeles last Saturday, April 28, in protest against the ever-present War On Women, which has dragged on since Congress’ introduction of the “let women die” bill in early 2011. But for more […]

A Win for California Women

Yesterday, Assembly Speaker John A. Perez, along with commissioners Assembly member Bonnie Lowenthal (D-Long Beach) and Senator Noreen Evans (D-Santa Rosa) announced renewed funding for the California Commission on the Status of Women (CCSW). The alarm sounded for the organization back in January when Gov. Jerry Brown proposed dissolving the CCSW as part of 2012/2013 budget […]

No Comment: “Not an Attractive Woman”

Under direction of its new ad agency, Droga5, the makers of U.K. beer Newcastle Brown Ale have invested in their first national TV spot. Launched April 2, the “No Bollocks” ad appears at first to be a dull and drawn out demonstration of the beer brewing process. But … wait for it … there’s a […]

Future of Feminism: Sex Education As a Human Right

In these days when conservative legislators try to foist abstinence-only sex education on young people, it’s a good time to reiterate that conversations about healthy sexuality need not be confined to a “less is more,” procreation-focused dialogue. Rather, let’s push forward discussions of sexuality in terms of self-reliance, autonomy, exploration, consent and, yes, pleasure.

Moroccan Women Protest Amina Filali’s Death

On Saturday hundreds of women activists stormed the streets of Morocco’s capital, Rabat, to protest a government law that absolves rapists from punishment if they marry their victims. The rally ended with a sit-in in front of Parliament. Protesters held signs demanding the repeal of article 475 of the penal code, which they hold responsible […]

“We Are All Amina Filali”

Fury resounds in the blogs and tweets of feminists online in response to the tragic suicide of a 16-year-old Moroccan girl, Amina Filali, who swallowed rat poison rather than remain married to a man who had raped her.  Filali, who was raped by the man–10 years her senior–in 2011, was encouraged by the prosecutor of […]

Inside the Texas War on Women

Texas Director of Health and Human Services Tom Suehs signed into law yesterday a state ban on giving Medicaid funds to any doctor or clinic affiliated with organizations that provide abortion (government funds are already barred from directly funding abortion). The law may shut down the state Women’s Health Program, which funds basic health services such as mammograms and Pap smears for over 130,000 low-income Texas women–44 percent of which are provided by Planned Parenthood.

Still Fighting for Women in Combat

The Department of Defense released a long-awaited report yesterday updating its controversial 1994 ban on women in combat. The DoD recommends that women be allowed to serve closer to the front lines in units that “co-locate” with ground combat forces. However, it still advises that women be barred from ground combat.