Weekend Reading on Women’s Representation: Primary Results Suggest Gains for Women in Congress; the Impact of Women Voters

Weekend Reading for Women’s Representation is a compilation of stories about women’s representation. 

This week: European Union will require an “underrepresented gender” fill at least 40 percent of board seats; Women are on track to make gains in the U.S. Congress; Australia elected record numbers of women to Parliament in last month’s elections; the impact of women as voters; and more.

Feminism in China: Risky, But Rising

This summer I taught a course on American education policy at Shaanxi Normal University in Xi’an, China, with 55 undergraduates, mostly women, who were smart, inquisitive and surprisingly bold.  Despite […]

The Women Behind the Woman

Anne-Marie Slaughter’s widely circulated article in The Atlantic has unleashed a wave of impassioned discussion about whether women can successfully pursue a professional career and have a family. Slaughter highlights […]