The outgoing administration made it more difficult for victims of assault, harassment and discrimination to assert rights and get their day in court. What will Biden’s priorities be, how will he be able to accomplish them and—most importantly—what can we expect to see in the coming months and years?
Author: Genie Harrison
Hindsight Is 2020: Celebrating Feminist Victories
Yes, 2020 was a year few of us would want to repeat, but there were miracles and moments that made us and our world better, and will make 2021 a year that we can welcome with open arms.
Alas, Women—Barrett Is No Ginsburg
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s lifelong work to achieve equality was unrelenting while serving on the Supreme Court. On the other hand, Amy Coney Barrett’s appointment to the Supreme Court puts freedom of choice, affordable health care, marriage equality and other hard-won rights are at risk.
Short of a new administration’s decision to unpack and expand the Supreme Court, the future will be a conservative supermajority on the court.
Vote 2020: Start Planning Today
This year more than ever, every single one of us must make our voices heard. It’s critical that we understand our rights and navigate the system of roadblocks and misinformation erected to undercut and undercount our votes. Start planning your roadmap today to the destination, which is safe and successful voting so that your vote is counted on, not after, November 3.
No Mercy for Women in the Religious Workplace
Recent Supreme Court cases allow for the (legal) discrimination of women educators at religious institutions—from health coverage to termination.
LGBTQ Rights: There’s a Lot More Work to Do
The Supreme Court’s ruling that members of the LGBTQ community are protected against workplace discrimination under Title VII is monumental. But there is still much work to be done to fully eradicate discrimination against LGBTQ individuals.
On Being an Ally: Change Is Necessary and Painful
“Just as the #MeToo movement needed male allies, black Americans need non-black allies; and, those who seek to be allies must be willing to listen and learn,” writes Harrison. With that, Amanda Monroe shares with us what we, as non-black women, can do to support our sisters of color.
Know Your Rights: This Pandemic Is a “Women’s Virus”
Employers are pointing to the economic impact of COVID-19 to justify downsizing and pay rollbacks, whether warranted or not. For all women, it’s important to know your employment rights during the pandemic.
Do Women Still Need the Equal Rights Amendment? Yes. Here’s Why.
Do we still need the ERA? Yes. Equality at work is a key component of freedom, and we deserve it. So, write your legislators, agitate, and—most importantly—vote. We cannot afford further erosion of our rights as women.
Harvey Weinstein’s Case Relies on Weaponizing the Effects of Trauma
Weinstein’s trial is a perfect example of the ways we continue to doubt victims who have suffered “disorganizing consequences,” and why we still have so far to go.