Weekly Pulse: Pandemic Updates and the Potential for Positivity

For The Weekly Pulse, we’ve scoured the most trusted journalistic sources—and, of course, our Twitter feeds—to bring you this week’s most important news stories related to health and wellness.

In this edition: Pandemic updates as Trump’s unseemly politicking continues, what you should know about wildfires and the air, the repro rundown, and glimmer of hope with pandemic positivity.

Weekly Pulse, Aug 30-Sep 4: COVID Cases Still “Unacceptably High”—But Can We Trust a Rushed Vaccine?

For The Weekly Pulse (a revisit of an old Ms. column!), we’ve scoured the most trusted journalistic sources—and, of course, our Twitter feeds—to bring you this week’s most important news stories related to health and wellness.

This week: Trump’s handling of the pandemic remains woefully insufficient; Sen. Cruz is “leading the charge on a Hail Mary plea” against medication abortion; House Dems are looking to challenge Hyde; and your weekly COVID-19 updates.

Weekly Pulse, Aug 23-28: Trump COVID Plan Guided By Politics, Not Public Health; Hurricane Laura’s Aftermath

For The Weekly Pulse (a revisit of an old Ms. column!), we’ve scoured the most trusted journalistic sources—and, of course, our Twitter feeds—to bring you this week’s most important news stories related to health and wellness.

This week: FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn overstates the benefits of the convalescent plasma treatment; CDC silently changes quarantine and testing guidance, against Fauci’s guidance; a five-dollar, 15-minute COVID-19 antigen test; Trump calls for restrictions on medication abortion; ultrasounds required for abortion-seekers in Indiana; less than half of people were taught about birth control; men die due to COVID-19 at a higher rate than women; 463 million children globally are cut off from education due to the pandemic; do video games help cope with the pandemic?; and Hurricane Laura’s aftermath.

Weekly Pulse: Health Care Companies Bank Record-High Profits—Yet Can’t Provide Free COVID Tests

For The Weekly Pulse (a revisit of an old Ms. column!), we’ve scoured the most trusted journalistic sources—and, of course, our Twitter feeds—to bring you this week’s most important news stories related to health and wellness.

This week: a group of Republicans backed by the White House challenge the ACA (in the middle of a pandemic); health care companies’ profits are through the roof; Texas clinics see a rise in later abortions after Abbott’s coronavirus-era ban; UNC cancelled in-person classes due to an outbreak of coronavirus after one week; updates on herd immunity; are plastic face shields effective?; and more.

The Weekly Pulse, August 2-7: In the Fight Against COVID, Trump is Failing Us

For The Weekly Pulse (a revisit of an old Ms. column!), we’ve scoured the most trusted journalistic sources—and, of course, our Twitter feeds—to bring you this week’s most important news stories related to health and wellness.

This week, we run down recent updates on reproductive health care and policy; address the presence of coronavirus risks in reopened-schools and prisons; and provide updates on the coronavirus with a closer look at how exactly leadership is failing us in the global fight against COVID.

The Weekly Pulse, July 19-24: Repealing the Hyde Amendment, School Openings Up in the Air

For The Weekly Pulse (a revisit of an old Ms. column!), we’ve scoured the most trusted journalistic sources—and, of course, our Twitter feeds—to bring you this week’s most important news stories related to health and wellness.

In this edition of The Weekly Pulse, we start by running-down the most recent findings, wins and attacks to reproductive health—then bring you the good news and (unfortunately) the bad, concerning the pandemic.