I was maybe 8 or 9, my chubby self stuffed into a brand new pink leotard and tights. I was not happy in this outfit, largely because my little body […]
Tag: Feminist Click Moment
Click! Doing the Dishes and My Rock n’ Roll Dreams
It was the 1980s. I was an oddball. I loved Tina Turner, Pat Benatar, Cyndi Lauper, Eurythmics, U2 and the Rolling Stones. I was dreaming of becoming a rock star. […]
Click! Everything I Needed To Know I Learned in Kindergarten
I was 5 years old when I first had that sensation that comes from your gut when you know something isn’t right. Not a feeling of danger, but of righteous […]
Click! One Raging Ringing of the Bells
I grew up in a conservative, working-class Catholic home where I had never even heard of feminism. Whilst I had numerous “click” moments, I had no idea what to make […]
Click! A Feminist All Along
To borrow from Twelfth Night: Some are born feminists, some achieve feminism, and some have feminism thrust upon them. Those in the first category received Ms. rolled up in their […]
Click! My Grandmother’s Resistance
“How am I going to manage without you?” my maternal grandmother Pata wailed at the viewing of her husband’s recently deceased body. As a precocious and carefully inscrutable 12-year-old, I […]
Click! Cape Town, South Africa, 1980
It was during the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, that I, a law student, came out as a feminist. The year was 1980. I had grown up in a Cape […]
Click! Super Sloppy 17ths
I realized I was a feminist the first time I gave myself permission to be angry with men. My first boyfriend in high school spent a lot of time undermining […]
Click! Hmmm, Aha! and Oh no!
I had my first feminist stirring, or “Hmmm” moment, in grade school when I noticed teachers always asked boys to help them carry boxes, move the mobile TV or assist […]
Click! It’s Not You, It’s Patriarchy
“It’s not you. You’re not an isolated case. It’s systematic and it’s called patriarchy,” said the radical 60-something woman at the front of the room with the “War is not […]