Katherine Clark Introduces Reproductive Rights Are Human Rights Act: “We Owe It to the Global Community”

“State Department reporting on violations of reproductive rights should not be subject to whiplash between the policies of the occupants of the White House. Congress has an important role to ensure that the U.S. is consistently and unbiasedly reporting on the rights violations that impact women around the world, without political interference.”

Katherine Clark’s Reproductive Rights Are Human Rights Act would require the State Department include reporting on contraception and abortion access, STD rates and prevention efforts, maternal health, and rates and causes of pregnancy-related injuries and death, including unsafe abortions.

Rabbi Hara Person: Why Progressive Faith Leaders Must Defend Reproductive Rights

Ms. recently spoke with Rabbi Hara Person—chief executive of the Central Conference of American Rabbis and self-proclaimed “reader, writer, feminist and challah-baker” —about politics, women’s rights, and the role of faith-based leaders in 2020.

“We need to make sure people hear that there is no such thing as the one religious perspective or the one faith perspective on reproductive rights—we need to say loudly and clearly that there is a progressive religious voice on these issues as well as the right wing religious voice that they regularly hear. “

Fact Check: Trump Rejects UN Criticism of Using COVID-19 to Violate Reproductive Rights—Despite Evidence

The Trump administration finally responded to a statement issued by members of a United Nations panel that called out U.S. state-level anti-abortion policymakers’ manipulation of the COVID-19 crisis to restrict abortion access in a number of U.S. states.

The response letter fails to accept the specific issues documented by the UN, despite the fact that they are easily proven and backed up by a tremendous amount of evidence.

Voting Rights are Reproductive Rights: Legislators Across 19 States on 19th Amendment’s Legacy

Reproductive freedom and voting are intrinsically linked.

“As long as women’s reproductive freedom continues to be politicized, women must vote.”

“Controlling women’s bodies has been a method of subjugation for centuries, as has been hindering and preventing people from voting, a central pillar of our democracy. Notably, we cannot truly get or keep one without the other.”