Women’s Representation Roundup: Ginsburg’s Impact on the 2020 Election

Weekend Reading for Women’s Representation is a compilation of stories about women’s representation.

This week: Ruth Bader Ginsburg becomes the first woman to lie in state at the U.S. Capitol; the impact of Justice Ginsburg’s death on the 2020 election; best practices to getting more women into judicial offices; the Solomon Islands’s systemic strategies to advance gender balance in government; appallingly few women have speaking roles at the UN this month; a staggering number of Black women running for office; tracking investments of leading foundations in minority and women-owned firms; building a gender-sensitive workplace culture; in support of the Yes On 2 ranked-choice voting campaign in Massachusetts; and this week’s suggested feminist reading.

2, 4, 6, 8, Let’s All Go Re-Virginate!

For Jeannette Yarborough’s 17th wedding anniversary, she wanted to give her husband something special. So she had her hymen re-attached. Wow, better than new golf clubs or even tennis balls! […]